Sunday, April 3, 2011

Weekend adventures

Hey all,

Yesterday Lauren and I walked around Varberg for a while in the fog. It's gradually getting warmer here which is nice, and there are tiny green spots appearing in the grass. It looks like we'll miss the full blooming of spring, but maybe we'll catch a tiny bit before we leave. We explored an open air market in the square downtown and walked down to the fortress at the waterfront. It was foggy and windy and smelled like seaweed - ahhhh just like home :)

We went out to a couple restaurants last night for supper, one for an appetizer and the other for our main course. We had an interesting conversation with an older man at the first restaurant.... he was drinking vodka and asked if he could sit in our gigantic booth with us for a few minutes. We got a bit of his life story before finishing our drinks and getting our bill, one of the things he mentioned was "I have a son your age" which was enough to get us moving to our next stop! I guess no one can resist 2 pretty Canadian girls.

Next weekend we are taking the train to Copenhagen for a couple nights. It's supposed to be nice out so hopefully we get in lots of sightseeing and probably more shopping :)
Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend!

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