Monday, March 14, 2011

Assumptions gone awry

Okay, so we have lost our minds aka we have a lot of free time and have been inspired by Team New Zealand and Team Africa so here it is from the great minds of Team Northern Sweden some random assumptions and learning discoveries:

1- Luggage does not carry through from Stockholm to Lulea easily/at all no matter what the airport guys tell you. Also Luggage is not guaranteed to be in same condition as you left it in at Stockholm checkin.

2- Cans with dog pictures on them are not dog meat - first thing teachers point out to us.

3- It takes Sam 2 trips to the store to get milk and 3 to find potatoes. I think we need a dictionary. PS: Pictures are awesome.

4 - Contrary to popular belief, it is tanning season in northern sweden. Stacy has yet to come off the roof.

5 - Cool Runnings has nothing on this place, minus of course their impressive accents.

6 - Swedish prices cause many heart issues for Canadian travellors, Stacy needs a calculator ALL OF THE TIME. Sam tries to figure it all out.

7 - There are NO REINDEER - yet.

8 - We came for the lights, they are non existant----- :(

9 - The bus system kicks acadian lines ass.

10 - Drivers like to fishtail and do donuts when taking sharp turns. Possibly due to excessive speed and seriously horrible icy roads. Stacy will be hit yet.

11 - We are not allowed to break bones because the ambulance is usually too far away.

12 - Stacy can't read Swedish, or pronounce it. But she tries, much to the dismay of our Swedish roomates.

13 - Our Swedish roommates have found us useful for deciphering vocabulary in English video games.

14 - The coffee is good......and Sarah is happy.

15 - Turns out running up snowbanks is fun, its the getting down without breaking bones that is hard.

16 - Lack of sleep is hilarious, or really bad depending.

17 - Stacy and Sarah have kitchens, Sam has internet, who won this round??

18 - Ice Cream rocks, just saying.

19 - Turns out, when someone CAN'T speak english, it doesn't mean they CAN speak french. Ask Stacy!

20 - GTL Baby! (Sam is confused, Jersey Shore lingo is too much)

Til next time, or til we get bored again.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Northern Sweden Team,

    Your discoveries brought a good laugh to me. Although reindeer and northern lights haven't shown up yet, I am still jealous about where you are:) Your presentation on Sweden brought us such an impression about the country.

    Have a wonderful 2nd week.

