Monday, March 7, 2011

Nǐ hǎo!

Heyy Guys,

Sorry for taking so long to update you guys on our arrival, but we just got the internet hooked up in our rooms. It was a long few days with no connection to the outside world, but we survived, Lol.

We arrived in Yantai around midnight on Sunday and were greeted by our Mentor, Steve, with excitement and anticipation. Our first meal was quite the adventure, as we wandered into an alley to find a convenience after an hour or so trying to find a restaurant. However, our meals have improved a bit since then, as we had a banquet in our honour last night with President of the university, as well as the heads of our departments. The food served was delicious, and apparently considered to be delicacies in China.

We're going to be making our first trip into the city around 2:30 today (in about an hour and a half) and our mentor got 2 English major student chaperones to show us around, as 0% of the population speaks any English what so ever. We're hoping to find pizza, Mcdonald's and a Wal-Mart.

We'll keep you updated on our progress as often as we can.

Xie xie, 
China Group

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