Monday, March 28, 2011


Yumi = corn in Chinese

So this past Saturday we made our way to Penglai. It's about an hour's drive north of our city, along the coast of China. Here's the majority of us in the van with Steve (our mentor - unfortunately he did not come with us).

We left campus at 8am and headed by van to our first destination: Penglai Aquarium. It's the biggest aquarium in China and there were tons of species of fish, seals, huskies (I don't know why they were there...), dolphins, crocodiles, etc. It was a very nice spot and yet again, we were at times more of an attraction than the fish themselves..

We saw a dolphin and seal show while we were there as well. The signs that were translated into English were pretty funny. It's a common occurrence for us to read anything that is in English because it's usually hilarious. They also do not really understand when/where to put spaces in sentences.

Here's one example:

(Explore polar, strangetrip of whale!) .. whaa??

We then grabbed lunch and went to Penglai Pavilion. It's a super pretty park with lots of Chinese architecture and great scenic views. We spent most of the afternoon there, but you could easily stay there for a full day. It would be great to see it during the summer when it's in full bloom.

There were lots of walking trails in the park and paths along the water. It was a great day and it was nice to get out and see some of the beautiful sights that China has to offer.

Well, that's our weekend in a nutshell! We look forward to having lunch with Linyuan tomorrow and having her sit in our classes throughout the week!

Keep enjoying yourselves!

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