Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Stockholm, field trips and CANDY!

Hey all,

Lauren and I have been having an awesome time in Sweden. Last week I went on a field trip with the grade 8 class to the local nuclear power plant. We didn't get to see much of the plant (probably a good thing, considering...) but we got to dress up in the protective gear and had a competition along with some other activities. It was fun, although most of it was in Swedish. I did
chat with two of the employees of the information centre at the end though.

On the weekend Lauren and I drove to Stockholm with our host Monica, her husband and one of her sons. It's a 5 hour drive from Varberg, then they were going up to Uppsala which is another hour north. We had an awesome weekend, I definitely loved the city and all the islands and archipelagos. There were lots of boats around and the architecture was amazing. We went to a few museums, visited the Ericsson Globe for the Skyview and of course ate at McDonald's and went shopping :) Loving the shopping here a little too much I think. We walked around the city a fair bit on Sunday as it was nice and sunny out. We ended up taking the train to Uppsala to meet Monica and her family after they watched a bandy match along with 20,000 other people. (Bandy is a super popular sport here, like hockey only with a ball instead of a puck.) On the drive home, which was supposed to take about 6 hours, I was kind of sleeping and all of a sudden we pulled over on the highway. I had no idea what was going on, then Lauren tells me that the headlights went out. So.... that was fun. We sat there for a while as Monica's husband tried to figure out what was wrong, seeing if he could fix them and whatnot. We were still 3 hours from home and it was around 9:30pm so it was pretty dark. After some debating and a phone call, we decide to try driving home with the brights on. I think we must have went a bit slower so we didn't get too close behind anyone. Anyway, we ended up getting home safe and sound around 2 in the morning. Needless to say, we were tired on Monday!

A few pictures we snapped in Stockholm, I thought the sushi place was interesting....

Also, we have discovered and are in love with the candy sections at every grocery store and 7-11 that we've come across. It's all priced per kg and there are sour candies, gummies, hard candies and lots of chocolate. SO GOOD.

This weekend we are moving into our apt in the city, since Monica lives about 15-20 mins outside of Varberg. I'm excited for the change in scenery and to spend some time wandering around the city and investigating the shops and restaurants. Can't believe we are almost halfway!

Hope everyone has a great week :)

I have been uploading photos to my flikr account if anyone wants to check them out! - http://www.flickr.com/photos/60253269@N05/.

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