Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Holly and Janna’s Travel Tips Continued

Now that we've made it to Kiwi Land, here are some tips we believe will help you if you ever decide to make your way to this part of the world.

39. When sitting at a table in the food court by yourself, you may end up babysitting random children.
40. When driving through the Coromandel Peninsula, bring defibrillator.
41. When running away from wild animals in the dark, remove flip flops.
42. When you suspect wild animals are chasing you in the dark, growl loudly.
43. There are no wild animals in New Zealand, only possums, no need to growl.
44. When it gets darks and you can’t find your way home, bum a ride from the local bar shuttle.
45. If there is a crisis, we can handle it.
46. When you see a bee in New Zealand, run, don’t try to kill it, they don’t die.
47. Staring at people really do make them feel uncomfortable. Someone obviously did not read the first half of our list.
48. Giant bugs are scary.
49. When you spot a giant beetle like disgusting bug, jump up, scream and give him the house, it doesn’t matter if you’re in your pajamas or have no other place to sleep.
50. If there is a giant bug crisis, apparently Holly is the only one who can handle it, just not well.
51. Watch out for white bum spiders, may result in using bail money for medical care.
52. When unsure of the name of a fruit, spider, giant bug, etc, take a picture and ask Martin.
53. Realizing you still do not understand grade 12 math is the first step to recovery.
54. People should refrain from using the “J” word.
55. Justin Beiber is still not cool in New Zealand. However Celine Dion is.
56. The Notebook is the best movie ever. It has lots of great quotes - 17 year old boy.
57. Warning: Chemicals in the science lab can burn your skin.
58. When students are performing science experiments, move to opposite side of the room.
59. Do not confuse the words net ball with nipple. “What is nipple?!!” - Holly in a loud, curious voice to students
60. Warning: Accents may distort sounds and words may get lost in translation.

Don't worry, there are lots more to come.
To Be Continued...

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