Sunday, March 6, 2011

Getting to New Zealand... Day 1, 2, 3... Although we lost day 2 somewhere...

We thought we would start writing our blog posts and then uploading them whenever we found internet just to keep you updated on the craziness that is Holly and Janna’s travels. Seriously, someone should have thought twice before letting the two of us out on our own. Nothing we can do about that now, so just sit back and enjoy the ride...

We left Charlottetown at 6am on Thursday morning not quite sure if we’d even make it out considering the crazy blowing snow. I get to the airport to find Holly going through her suitcase pulling things out and giving them to Devin only to look up and see Sharon! (Lydia’s mom), she had come to see us off. Super sweet of a super lady! Turns out Holly’s suitcase was overweight and rather then giving away her kidney to pay for the extra weight, she decided to remove a few things. Anticipating it might happen, she had brought the extra bag for Devin to take the stuff home in rather then walking around the airport with random things in his hands. After we got that sorted out, we walked on the plane where they deiced it and we were on our way to Montreal.

We get to Montreal only to find out we would have to go through customs as well as security and get to our next plane in much less time then it was going to take. We were standing in the customs line at the time we should have been boarding our next plane and was starting to panic a little. We then started getting annoyed when we would watch the customs people rush others on our next plane through as we sat in the slowest line possible. We got very lucky that we made it through and they had only started to board when we got to our terminal.

We made it to LA and even managed to get a little bit of sleep on the plane ride there. That was the beginning of our 12 hour lay over. That’s a long lay over. And we didn’t even see any celebrities. Except John Travolta, but more about that later.

That is the end to post number 1. We thought we'd give you our story is small doses, makes things easier to digest...
To Be Continued...

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