Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Our tips for Kenya!

Hi everyone! To steal a page from Holly and Janna, we came up with our own tips for Kenya. Hope you enjoy them and you get a few laughs because we have definitely been laughing at ourselves as this adventure continues.

Tips if you ever go to Kenya
1. Always say "Hi, how are you?" because they are going to reply with fine, even if you don't ask.
2. Don't ask what you are eating, or look too closely at it. Just swallow, you don't want to know, ask questions when you are are done.
3. Pineapples do not grow on trees.
4. Elephants will sit on the hood of your car.
5. Baboons will hit you with sticks if you do not have a banana.
6. There are not speed signs, it is just understood.
7. Hoot when going around sharp turns (this is common practice).
8. When kids touch you to see if you are real, don't take offense.
9. When kids ask you what you eat to see if you are an alien, don't take offense.
10. Fanta comes in many flavors, including Pineapple, black current,
11. Nakumatt means "everything under one roof" and you can get everything you need at the Nakumatt.
12. Bathroom = workout
13. Be prepared to be loved and welcomed by everyone.
14. Be prepared to give hugs and to "feel at home"
15. If in Meru, you will be adopted by Jennifer and introduced to people as her daughter.
15. Mangos do grow on trees and they are everywhere and AWESOME! You should be jealous.
16. Cows will moo all night long and roosters will crow all morning.
17. You will be woken up by the birds or Amy, whichever comes first.
18. They will sing you a song to have you cut the cake and the will repeat cut, cut, cut the cake until you actually cut the cake. They may stop, and instruct you to cut the cake if you don't get the message.
19. Jambo Bwana does get sung in Kenya, we were not crazy.
20. Days will run together, and 3 days have already filled a lifetime of memories.

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