Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Football aka Soccer

Tonight I went to a soccer practice with one of the teachers at our school. I had told Monica about being interested in sports and she had suggested I do some training with this colleague of hers and her soccer team. I haven't really played soccer in something like 10 years, but I thought hey, it will be good exercise and then I can say I did it when I get home. The teacher I went with told me it would be mostly running.... she was not joking.

I am now seriously exhausted, sore and a little nauseous - I may have overdone it!

We started with passing drills, then some running drills, footwork stuff, more running, then finally we got to scrimmage. I thought that would end the practice, and I was most certainly wrong. We then did bench jumps (I know the word bench in Swedish now very well), push ups, sit ups and burpees. I managed to keep up with most of it but had to sit out for a few minutes here and there to get my breath back and make sure I wasn't going to die and/or pass out.

The girls are all very fit! They range from age 15 to 30+ and they train in the spring and play all summer in tournaments. They talked a little bit in English so I could understand, mostly the teacher I was with translated for me, and also the coach told me I did a good job :)

Anyway it was definitely an experience! I might think about going again in a couple weeks, if I can walk tomorrow. Not sure about that right now!

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