Thursday, March 24, 2011

Better update from K

So our last update was kinda lame - we had to post for the Farmer's helping Farmer's blog and to be completely honest, I just copied and pasted. So here is our more entertaining update.

1. We have answered the age old question of how many people can you fit on a motorbike.
Answer: 2 Adults and 2 goats (one on top of the other, between the two adults)
2. The rains in Africa truely are blessed. Dancing in the rain at 9:00 at night is a better time than the globe!
3. There is never enough salt on anything, so make sure you have salt around the house!
4. The nuns will fold your laundry (and we are talking all your laundry) if you leave in on the line, which is awesome!
5. Garam Masala is the best spice in the world, and no one uses it quite as well as Belton.
6. Guacamole, Guacamole, Guacamole. Need I say it again. yes! Guacamole!
7. Walking in the mud is not like walking in normal mud. It is actually like having cement blocks on your shoes when you walk.
8. Erin is in love with the watermelons - she may marry one before she comes home. And no, watermelon is not a nickname for a person here. She is in love with the fruit!
9. Tusker - looking good!
10. Whoever would have thought that the girls (Erin, Nicole, Lydia, Katie) would walk 1.5 hours to school and actually love it!

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