Thursday, March 10, 2011

Haj !

Haj means hello in Sweden and is pronounced "hey" - very convenient for us! I am slowly learning to recognize some Swedish words, the kids are trying to help us but they like to laugh at our pronunciations. Oh well.

Yesterday I tried to tell my grade 8 classes where Lauren and I lived and went to school. Since there are no large maps of Canada in the school, I drew a wonderfully detailed and accurate map, time zones included:

I should probably teach art someday.

Anyway, since lists are apparently the thing to do, I thought I'd start one for Lauren and I :)

1. You can speak English to anyone in Sweden at any time and they will reply without batting an eye
2. Even Swedish kids like to play Heads Up 7-Up
3. The students will ask how old you are, if you have a boyfriend and if you own a cell phone
4. Some English swears that we think are bad are apparently not as bad here and you will hear them while walking the halls
5. Driving a standard is much more difficult when the reverse gear is not in the same place
6. Your host teacher will let you borrow her car even if she watches you stall it 5 times trying to get out of the parking lot
7. Stalling a car in a roundabout in a foreign country is not even a little bit funny
8. It is ok to get lost as long as you find your way back on time
9. You will start speaking proper English when you are teaching it
10. Swedish crisp bread is delicious!

Tomorrow Lauren and I are going to Gothenburg for some exploring and shopping. Hope everyone enjoys their first real weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Bonjour!
    Hey Tamara... go ahead and dazzle them with a few words of French so they can see your muitllingual capabilities. Enjoyed reading your list and hearing how much you're enjoying this experience!

