Monday, March 28, 2011


Hey everyone,

Paris was awesome, and I had so much fun. The weekend kind of started out bad because as soom as we left Lille we ended up with a flat tire, but we got it fixed and we were on our way. We started off with Disney Land on Friday evening, and it was so much fun. I went on Space Mountain (roller coaster) and it was awesome.

Saturday, we started with the Eifel Tower. We went to the very top, and I've never experienced anything like that before (amazing). We then went to the Arc de Triomphe. We were on our way to have lunch when we say some street dancers, so we stopped and watched them for a bit. They were really good. We had lunch, but then it started to rain, but we walked in the rain for a while, and it was fun. We were going to go to the Louvre, but we didn't have enough time. We could there on Sunday. The woman I'm staying with had heard of this cafe that sells pastries, but also does tattoos, so we checked it out. When we first walked in we didn't see anything that showed that they did tattoos and it was really nice inside. We stayed and I had a drink, then I had to go to the restroom (downstairs), and what do I see? I see a guy who does tattoos. It was interesting. I didn't get any tattoos though.

Saturday, I went to mass in the Cathedral of Notre-Dame, it was awesome. I was going to go up to the towers, but you should have seen the line up, it was rediculous. So, we went to the Royal Palace and Prison with a Chapel beside it. The place is gorgeous. We then went to the Louvre. There is so much to see there, but I saw what I wanted to see (the famous ones). I had an awesome weekend and experienced so much.


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