Monday, March 21, 2011

Update from the Arctic Circle

Hey all,

We're on our second week here. Things are going well although there was definatly some adjustment required for the slow paced, relaxed environment here. (Sarah says small, small, small village living - aka a small collection of houses in the middle of nowhere.....she has become slightly dramatic since arrival). We spent 6 hours on a bus round trip this weekend to get a MacDonalds (thanks Lauren for rubbing that in) but we did discover MAX, a fantastic Swedish burger chain.

Our school is neat, our advisors are awesome. We spend Friday's going to various elementary schools in the area. Eva, one of our teachers spent the day laughing with us (we've corrupted her and she now wants to spend the summer in Canada) and planning some trips....she promised Stacy that she would see reindeer up close and that she could drive a snowmobile, (Sam thinks Stacy and motor vechicles may not be the safest thing and was quite upset and offended when the girls told Eva that she was the most likely to be injured when we head to the ski hill); they are also taking us to the ice hotel in early April. Still no signs of the northern lights but we are hopeful.

We've only been called Americans once, which we quickly corrected.  We also got quite a few chuckles during our presentation on Canada, in which Sam displayed a big picture of Sidney Crosby celebrating Canada's gold medal win; no hostility so we're still allowed to stay.

The coffee machine in our staffroom meets the needs of Sarah and Stacy quite well, the pre-departure warning of crappy caffeine was false. The grocery store is less stressful now that we figured out a few key words but Stacy still isn't allowed to be in charge of maps, that leads to disaster. Oh and for the record, the drinking age in Sweden is 18 in restaurants and 20 at the liquor store, don't believe your students when they say its 12.

Slut! (our students taught us that this means the end in Swedish so no judgements)

Sarah, Stacy and Sam

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