Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Hi all,

Lauren and I have been living in Varberg since last Friday. Our host, Monica, lives about 15-20 mins outside of the city and our school is now only a few minutes from our new place. We spent most of the weekend relaxing and catching up on sleep. I walked around and took some pictures as some parts reminded me of home and the boardwalk by Victoria Park in Ch'town. It was nice to smell the sea air and be in the sunshine, even if it was pretty cold out! It's starting to look more like spring though. I was going to upload some photos, but it isn't working for me :(

Twice a week I help out with a grade 4 class teaching English. So far I have been teaching them some songs and playing games with them - they are ADORABLE and so smart! They start learning English here in grade 3 and already the students in grade 4 can translate texts between Swedish and English. It blows my mind.

Today I played a game with them called Around the World. I had 26 cards with each letter of the alphabet, and I would show 2 students a card and they would have to shout out a word that began with that letter. Whoever came up with a correct word first got to move from their seat to stand beside the next competitor. The kids loved it! They were leaning over their desks trying to see the letters so they could think of something in their heads quickly.

On Friday, the teacher I am working with in grade 4 is taking Lauren and I with her daughter to ride horses. We are super excited as neither one of us has been on a horse before. I think next weekend we are going to take the train to Copenhagen to explore and probably do some more shopping, then the weekend after that we are home! Can't believe 4 weeks is almost up already....

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