Monday, March 14, 2011

Holly and Janna’s Travel Tips Continued... What to do during a Tsunami Warning and other useful information

61. In New Zealand, you may find your shoes on the feet of others.
62. Doing aerobics with the students is encouraged. So is making a fool of yourself while you do it.
63. Make sure you have proper shoes when walking through the beach mud, the proper shoes being none at all unless you want to lose them.
64. When in outrigger canoes don’t lean to the right, unless you want to tip the canoe.
65. You don’t need to shower before Waka Ama, the paddle of the person in front of you, behind you and yourself will give you a complete shower.
66. When you want a person to jump out of the canoe, don’t claim to see a black shadow (stingray).
67. When heading back to shore from the canoe, send a student first to find the rocks and holes and watch out for black shadows.
68. When coming back from Waka Ama make sure you shower right away, the time you’re covered in mud is when the whole town wants to meet you.
69. Advice given from one student to another: When you find that time is going slow, stop looking at the clock.
70. When you can’t find a flashlight, fashion a torch out of sticks and rags, holding a pitchfork is not necessary but encouraged.
71. When a tsunami warning is in effect, reading about tsunamis will only make you panic more.
72. Warning: When there is a tsunami warning in effect, every car that comes down the road will turn in your driveway making you think someone is coming to rescue you... They’re not.
73. Getting mad at the town for being at the pub when there is a tsunami warning doesn’t help anyone.
74. Warning: When you have a bouncy bed, it may you believe the ground is starting to shake and a tsunami is headed straight for you.
75. Warning: Do not turn on kettle when a tsunami warning is in effect, it may make roommates believe a tsunami is headed straight for you.
76. When a tsunami is threatening the place you live, get in the boat.
77. When in Coromandel, make sure Stoney gives you a ride in his boat. If he doesn’t offer the rest of the town will for him.
78. It’s not ok to date your first cousins, but second cousins are ok.
79. When you see a cockroach on its back, gently place piece of paper towel on said cockroach and then place a very large book upon the paper towel and push. Leave for a few minutes to make sure it’s completely dead. Leave outside as a warning for other cockroaches.
80. Warning: Tights make male legs look like chicken legs.

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